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02 Feb Admin Mtg Trip BLOCS (61)_edited.jpg


To Educate All Children in Hope
Many children face extreme obstacles when born into poverty, and education inequalities lead to the continued life cycle of destitution. TEACH is a sponsorship program supporting students, teachers and schools in impoverished countries and our local community – changing the future through education!
TEACH Anchor


Eradicating hunger and malnutrition are of the most humbling challenges humanity faces.  Lives are cut short, and bodies become susceptible to disease and illnesses, causing many to choose a life of crime in an effort to obtain their next meal.  Feeding supports within the local and worldwide community ensures that less people go to bed hungry each day.

Supporting Current Endeavors:  Can & Bottle Redemption

Feeding Anchor
The goal of LEAP is to enhance current programs and provide advancements through building and maintaining schools, churches, clean water stations, and more - bringing improvements to partner outreach facilities that benefit those in need around the world!
LEAP Anchor


WWLM seeks to ship general humanitarian aid, as well as natural disaster assistance within the U.S. and overseas. Through the years, WWLM has shipped more than 40 containers of humanitarian and relief aid, partnering with trusted organizations within impoverished and affected areas for distribution. Join with us to ensure funds are ready when the next shipping need arises!

Supporting Current Endeavors:  Haiti Barrels

Shipping Anchor
Pastor Preaching to Church


The effectiveness of programs sustained by WWLM rely greatly on workers in the field and missionaries who travel for program development, oversight, and vision planning. Ministry Support of these dedicated workers eases the burden of caring for family and ministry - enabling them to continue bringing hope and the light of the Gospel around the world.

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