No matter where a lighthouse is located, the purpose is always the same - to warn ships of danger and guide them safely on their way. It is the symbolism of hope that these beacons offer that inspired the naming of World-Wide Lighthouse Missions, Inc. (WWLM)
The call of Christ captured our hearts to shed His light around the world. Through WWLM, this light sheds love, hope, provision, safety and joy by providing food for the hungry, clothes for the naked, education for the unlearned, ministry support and training for workers on the field, bringing souls into the safety and harbor of God’s love.
For a lighthouse to continue in the most effective working order, Keepers are brought on to support and maintain the lighthouse and all its functions.
This ensures that the light never goes out.
Today, WWLM would like to invite YOU to become a LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER!
Your committed giving will keep this beacon of Hope shining and reaching out further into greater waters.
Consider which task you can carry, and together we’ll rescue those in need!
As a Lighthouse Keeper, you will commit to a monthly financial gift. Your monthly gift can be set-up as an automatic payment, if desired. Your giving will ensure that this Lighthouse will remain a beacon of Hope, as it seeks to feed, educate and spread Christ's love around the world!
Once you've become a Lighthouse Keeper, this will open you to a deeper connection with WWLM, above and beyond what the general public and periodic donors receive. This will include, but not be limited to:​
NEW: Annual Gift
Missions Travel Opportunities
Notices on Special Activities Exclusive to Your Area
Exclusive Notices on Upcoming Endeavors
Access to WWLM Representatives
Special Intercessory Prayer for Partners and Ministries
*All Lighthouse Keepers giving is received as undesignated, to be used wherever needed most.

Brightly beams our Father's mercy,
From His lighthouse evermore,
But to us He gives the keeping
Of the lights along the shore.
Let the lower lights be burning!
Send a gleam across the wave!
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save.
- Philip P. Bliss